I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands One nation, under God, Indivisible With Liberty and Justice for all.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Weekly Letter to My Heroes...

Excerpted from the weekly email I send all my Heroes...

Jeffery made it back from A-stan this week, so I'm headed up to the frozen tundra at Drum for a long weekend. (Not nearly long enough I'm sure!!!) I wanted to touch base with all of you because I'll be out of touch on Sunday, but you will surely be thought of! Looking forward to 70-100 inches of snow in upstate NY... woo hoo! Poor fella's been diggin' himself out a couple times a day. Good thing you Army folk stay in good shape... almost as good as the Marines! (Ok, ok, don't wanna start THAT train of thought!)

Some interesting stuff in the news... I don't often share news because most of it is not pleasant and ya'll have enough unpleasantness as it is, but I thought I'd try something a little different this time...

N Korea is actually talking negotiations for disarming in exchange for aid and security agreements, depending on US's attitude and hostile policy change. hmmm?

Duke lost to UNC(79-73). That was tough, I like both. 3 more weeks til March Madness - yea baby!!! :) who's the pick for the final four??? I'd like to see what ya'll come up with!

Arroyo deals for 2 more years for $25mil... I am WAAAAYY in the wrong business.
Is Wade Phillips going to the Cowboys? - no official word yet. Jones has interviewed 10 people - no offers yet.

Cloned meat coming to the market next year. FDA is supposed to be approving cloned meat for public consumption. Supposedly it looks, smells and tastes the same. NOT genetic engineering, but taking the best part of the animal to reproduce and introduce the "real" offspring into the market. Wouldn't that be genetic engineering? If it's a fake cow, is it a real calf? :) And the biggie, if this isn't "real" meat, does it have real calories? Something to ponder.

Animated film lovers (that was the best part of having kids, I didn't have to explain WHY I wanted to watch them!) Shrek 3 is coming to you!

Astronaut arrested for attempted murder. Female astronaut(married 3 kids) thinking another female counterpart was having affair (she was) with her love interest(male previously married and "more than friends but less than romantic"??? relationship with her helped to end that marriage. ) and drove 900 mi from TX to FL to "talk" to the other woman with ropes, knives, steel mallet, pellet gun and other assorted "chat tools" while wearing a diaper so she wouldn't have to stop for breaks. (Apparently the diaper thing is used for entry/re-entry). NASA is not amused, and taking steps to change both screening policy and monitor ongoing mental health of their astronauts.

Mistrial for Court Martial of Army LT refusing to deploy to Iraq citing War in Iraq is illegal and critizing publicly the war and commenting on the case. Defense thinks he can't be retried for double-jeopardy, JAG says otherwise. LT said he did not mean to admit in signed statement that he's duty bound to go with his unit to Iraq, only that he had not gone. He's still looking at charges of missing movement and conduct unbecoming(4 years and dishon dischg). Personal thoughts here to all you Heroes out and about in the Sandbox doing your thing... Treason-does this qualify? Desertion? I know that being able to go to court is a right we have (thank you) but come on. This would take our service into a completely different level. (Like my teens thinking they don't HAVE to do what I say because they don't like it.) If you disagree, I apologize, not wanting to start an argument. We're just trying so hard to support you folks over there, people like this piss me off. If he wasn't prepared to follow orders, why did he join? And I'm done venting now. :) Did I tell you all how wonderful I think you are????

Good news for all you fellas out there... Jennifer Aniston is single again -although rumor has it her and Brad Pitt have been "talking" again... Mrs Pitt (Angelina Jolie is apparently not very happy about this). So hurry and catch her. :) Brittany Spears has settled with soon to be ex K-Fed for some millions and is being a total skank and partying way too much for a mom of 2 small kids. Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz are done and he's not interested in Brittany anymore coz he has some model candy to play with. Blah blah blah. :)
* Update... Anna Nicole Smith dies at 39... shame so young.

And with the great weather we've been having, I've been able to do my favorite activity (besides couch cuddling) Snow drifting!!! Yep, you know what it is... you're moving along about 40-45mph down a back road that's drifting over and WHOOSH - into the drift you go... there's that moment of uncertainty where you don't know if you're going to make it through with just a little sliding, or play "wrap the jeep around the telephone pole" to end the day. C'mon, you know you like it! Little tug on the steering wheel, slidin' sideways and bumpin' around... it's a cool thing! :)

Oh!!! And on the homefront - daughter number 2 is now officially licensed to wreck(I mean drive) a car!!! yay. lol. Just one left (my son) and I'm REALLY looking forward to this...

Just got promoted to helping out with the online Soldiers' Angels Store website. Adding/editing the pics and updating the items on there as we change and grow. Guess that Computer Programming degree came in handy after all huh? :)

I hear things are really stepping up over there and I want you to know this Angel is so very proud of and blessed to have each and every one of you!!! See ya'll next week... Stay Strong -- Be Safe! We love and are praying for you. Thanks for being My Hero!

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