Miss B
You will ALWAYS find me right behind our Heroes, holding my hand over my heart when our Flag passes, and proudly expressing my gratefulness and fortune at having met few, helped many and loving all Heroes.
We are currently having a Spring Fling for the Fisher Houses. A Fisher House serves as a “home away from home” for the families of military personnel and veterans seeking medical care at major military and VA medical centers. They are designed to accommodate 16 to 42 family members at any time and feature common kitchens, large communal dining rooms and living areas stocked with books and toys for the children. Families can stay free of charge.
The average stay in hospital for a combat-wounded serviceman or woman is 45-60 days, and in many cases can go well into a year or more. Providing the means for families to be with their loved ones is critical in their recovery process. All of the houses are built by the Fisher House Foundation, and Soldiers' Angels works with the House staff to meet their ongoing needs. As the number of combat casualties continues to climb, these facilities will be called upon to serve more and more families. We at Soldiers' Angels are proud of our support to the Fisher Houses across the country.
If you donate a gift card for $20.00 or more to any Fisher House by May 1st, you will receive a $20.00 gift certificate for the Soldiers' Angels Store.
Cards should be to common stores: Sears, JC Penney, Wal-Mart etc., or prepaid Visa or Mastercards. The cards should be sent directly to the Fisher House of your choice - be sure to note that you are with Soldiers' Angels.
Here is a link to the Fisher Houses to choose one for your donation. http://www.fisherhouse.org/aboutUs/3_FHlocations.pdf
After you have made your donation, please email me for the address. Send me your name, address, email, copy of the receipt for the gift card purchased and to which Fisher House it was sent. Please include your email so that I can send you your gift certificate for the Soldiers' Angels Store.
You may just print out this page, fill out the info and send to me, along with the receipt of purchase.
I just know you all are going to be a wonderful help for the Fisher Houses!!! It takes the support from all of us to help those who support all of us.
Miss B
Name: __________________
Address: ___________________
City St Zip: __________________
Email: ______________________
Fisher House location: _________________
*Remember the copy of receipt for gift card*
I am floating with excitement and am happy to say our float won 10th place and $1000.00 for Soldiers' Angels. The parade was awesome as everyone cheered for our soldiers and the response was so cool. We handed out cards and when the annouced us they anounced our website twice! We got the word out about SA, I got to work with a great bunch and winning was the icing on the cake! Thanks for the support!
“… An eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks. The eagle will fly to some high spot and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above it.”